End of Round 2!

We realize it has been a while since we have posted, but life has been keeping us busy transitioning into summer!

Here is the news we received this morning from Houston –

Yesterday was the CT Scan to see the results from the second round of treatments. This morning my parents met with the doctors and got an update! The cancer cell numbers are all down. Both the lymph node and liver tumors have shrunk down substantially. The red blood cell count, though, is down as well to 7.4. Dr, Wolff has decided to cancel treatment for today and schedule a blood transfusion. His is curious to see where the red blood cells are going so next week he will have a scope done to see if they can find anything. Dr. Wolff himself said, “pretty impressive my friend.”


Over the past few weeks we have been blessed that Dad has been feeling well and we have been able to be outside and do things.

We are continuing to be blessed by our friends and family. The prayers and support encourage us each and every day.

Sarah & Hannah